Detailed Weather Conditions

Location: Bel Air, Maryland - USA
Longitude: 76º 19' 7'' Western /  Latitude: 39º 29' 55" North
Elevation: 385 feet

Virtual Weather Station Software V15.00

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Current Conditions


Last Updated: 8:24am on 12/21/24
Outside Temperature: 29.9°F
Today's High: 31.9°F at 2:37am
Lo: 28.9°F
at 7:22am
Barometric Trend: 0.02
Sunrise: 7:22am  Sunset: 4:44pm

Moonrise:   11:24pm   Moonset:  11:37am

Moon Phase: 21


Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time

Wind Direction

N 360 1:03am 1 2:54am 327 -187.5 221.2 7:17am -285.4 2:54am

Wind Speed

2mph 11mph 4:43am 0mph 12:00am 2mph -0.0mph 9.8mph 4:43am -1.9mph 8:10am


8mph 11mph 4:43am 0mph 12:01am 5mph 3.3mph 7.7mph 4:43am -3.4mph 8:00am

In Humidity

29% 31% 3:10am 29% 12:00am 29% -0.0% 2.0% 5:20am -0.4% 12:00am

Out Humidity

79% 96% 12:00am 79% 7:59am 82% -2.7% -0.0% 1:10am -6.2% 4:59am

In Temp

77.7°F 77.7°F 8:18am 76.8°F 12:49am 77.4°F 0.35°F 0.39°F 8:18am -0.68°F 12:06am

Out Temp

29.9°F 31.9°F 2:37am 28.9°F 7:22am 29.7°F 0.25°F 0.45°F 2:37am -1.13°F 5:56am


30.06in 30.06in 8:19am 29.87in 1:11am 30.04in 0.03in 0.04in 5:16am -0.01in 12:01am

Yearly Rain

32.70in 32.70in 12:00am 32.70in 12:00am 32.70in 0.000in 0.000in 12:00am 0.000in 8:24am

Wind Chill

28.7°F 31.8°F 2:29am 21.4°F 7:51am 28.1°F 0.52°F 1.76°F 8:24am -8.49°F 4:43am

In Heat Index

76.8°F 76.8°F 8:18am 75.9°F 12:49am 76.5°F 0.35°F 0.39°F 8:18am -0.71°F 12:06am

Heat Index

34.0°F 38.0°F 2:37am 33.4°F 7:22am 34.1°F -0.11°F 0.26°F 1:40am -1.46°F 5:45am

Dew Point

24.2°F 30.2°F 1:40am 24.0°F 7:45am 24.7°F -0.54°F 0.19°F 1:40am -2.00°F 4:59am

Press Altitude

352 Daily Rain 0.00in Degree Heating 10.3days Monthly Degree Day Cooling 0.0days Heat Index --- Beaufort Light Air

Cloud Base

1427ft Hourly Rain 0.00in Degree Cooling 0.0days Monthly Wind Run 1065miles Comfort Index Uncomfortably Cold    

Air Density

-1525 Yesterday Rain 0.02in Moon Phase 21 Yearly Deg Day Heating 3022.6days Forecast Mostly clear with little temperature change    

Virtual Temp

30.7°F Rain Rate 0.000in/hr Monthly Rain 1.83in Yearly Degree Day Cooling 2083.1days Station Barom Trend Rising    

Vapor Press

0.13 Wind Run 11 miles Monthly Deg Day Heating 467.0days Yearly Wind Run 14649miles Barometer Trend Rising    
mtr002KBWI mtr001KBWI mtr003KBWI Temp:  mtr004KBWI°F Dew Point:  mtr005KBWI°F Humidity:  mtr006KBWI% Barometer:  mtr007KBWI in Wind Direction: mtr008KBWI Wind Speed:  mtr009KBWI mph      
  Cloud Height:  mtr012KBWI k Sky:  mtr013KBWI Weather:  mtr014KBWI Rain/hr:  mtr015KBWIin Wind Chill:  mtr016KBWI°F Heat Index:  mtr017KBWI °F Visibility:  mtr011KBWI miles


Wind Gust:  mtr010KBWI mph


mtr002KMTN mtr001KMTN mtr003KMTN Temp:  mtr004KMTN°F Dew Point:  mtr005KMTN°F Humidity:  mtr006KMTN% Barometer:  mtr007KMTN in Wind Direction: mtr008KMTN Wind Speed:  mtr009KMTN mph      
  Cloud Height:  mtr012KMTN k Sky:  mtr013KMTN Weather:  mtr014KMTN Rain/hr:  mtr015KMTNin Wind Chill:  mtr016KMTN°F Heat Index:  mtr017KMTN °F Visibility:  mtr011KMTN miles


Wind Gust:  mtr010KMTN mph



Never make important decisions based on this information or any weather information obtained from the Internet

Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00